Knowing the job makes designing our products a little easier than the big box stores. We know nothing is fireman proof but we come pretty close! We have designed a glove strap that can be worn on the job, in a rig, and on the fire ground. We can also accommodate those that like to multitask with what they have.
Made with the same quality materials as our chin straps, our glove straps were originally designed with the multi task feature in mind. Knowing that when things go wrong you have seconds to make a decision and make things better. We designed a strap that did just that. It is sturdy, simple, and tested. From turnout gloves, rope, even hose lines, our straps are built to work.
About a year into it we cam back and looked at feedback from the line. A common complaint was it took a little too long to take the gloves OUT. BIG PROBLEM! We fixed it. Now you can add a quick release to the strap at no extra cost. While it might not be the best option for the multi task roll of the original, you will be more than please with your new addition to your gear. The only way you'll ever need another is promotion or the ride along stole it!
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